Please contact your assigned neighborhood school directly for information on their enrollment process. To identify your school of residence,
visit the Resident School Identifier to confirm that your current address is within Los Angeles Unified attendance boundaries.
As a part of this application, you will enter information about the child you are enrolling and will need to upload the following documents *:
* If you are missing any of these required documents, you may still submit the application, but will need to work with your LAUSD school to complete the Pre-Enrollment process.
Proof of Residence
Please submit one of the following acceptable documents:
Utility service contract, bills or payment receipts (Gas, Water, or Electricity)
Property taxes, rental or lease agreement, current rental receipt with address of property on receipt
Official government mail (CalWORKS, Social Security, Medi-Cal)
Current pay stub
Voter registration
Proof of Age of Minor
Please submit one of the following acceptable documents:
Birth certificate
Baptismal certificate
Court order
Health office/vital statistics record of birth certificate date
Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) letter verifying birthdate and an explanation of how this was verified
Parent/Guardian/ Educational Rights Holder/ Caregiver ("parent") Identification
Please submit one of the following acceptable documents:
Student’s birth certificate or baptismal certificate or Court order establishing the parent/guardian relationship AND
Adult’s government-issued photo identification (Driver’s license or DMV identification card)
Zones of Choice are geographic areas comprised of multiple school options. These schools offer exciting programs in the arts, business, science, humanities,
social justice and more right in your neighborhood. Any student residing in a Zone of Choice is eligible to apply by selecting and ranking the schools based on preference.
Eligibility is based on home address and the school's enrollment capacity. If you live in a Zone of Choice area, please visit your school of residence to complete a
Zones of Choice application or visit the Zone of Choice website to download an application.
To determine if you live in a Zone of Choice area, enter your current
address in the Resident School Identifier.
Virtual Academy Pre-Enrollment is for new students to L.A. Unified entering Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten through 12th grade who wish to enroll in L.A. Unified’s voluntary, online independent study program.
Virtual Academy Transfer Requests are for current L.A. Unified students entering Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten through 12th grade who wish to enroll in L.A. Unified’s voluntary, online independent study program.
If your child is new to L.A. Unified, applied online and accepted a CHOICES placement, you can enroll your child online at
If your child is transferring from a current L.A. Unified school, applied to and was accepted in a CHOICES program, your enrollment will be automatically transferred in our student information system.
Parents can update certain enrollment forms in their Parent Portal account or may contact the school for assistance.
The online pre-enrollment website is only for new students to L.A. Unified that are enrolling in their school of residence or have applied online and accepted a placement prior to enrollment.
For assistance on the use of this portal, please visit the Need Help? Section located at top right corner of this page and review the information regarding Enrollment Support for If you need further assistance regarding enrollment,
please contact the school directly or call 213-443-1300.
Paper copies of the enrollment packet and additional enrollment support is available at each school. Please contact the school for the latest information about completing your enrollment.
If your assigned school of residence is an Independent Charter School and you would like to attend, please inquire about enrollment at the school site directly.
If your assigned school of residence is an Independent Charter and would like to attend an LAUSD school, please contact your Local District office.
Early Childhood Education of the Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to providing a quality early education experience that will prepare students for success in school and life, while valuing and respecting the needs, languages, and cultures of all students, families, staff, and communities it serves. Early Childhood Education Centers have eligibility criteria that is determined at the site. To find an Early Childhood Education Center and find out if your child is eligible to enroll, please contact (213) 241-0415 or visit
The Division of Adult and Career Education (DACE) provides access to high quality pre- and post-secondary education and training opportunities in local communities throughout L.A. Unified. DACE is both a national and state leader in adult education, serving over 68,000 students annually in programs such as English as a second language, academic and high school studies, and career and technical education. For information about program and course offerings, please visit
User Guide
Pre-Enrollment Registration for New to District Students